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help us make this a community-based plan

Action Plan Survey
Upcoming Events



October 16th
5:30 to 7:00 PM

Commerce Chenango Building
15 South Broad St, Norwich, NY


The purpose of this Open House is to provide an opportunity to review and comment on the Draft 2050 Vision Plan. Attendees will be able to visit topic area stations, ask questions, and submit comments.
All are welcome and you may come and go as your schedule allows.

past events

Past Events

Action Plan Survey

To gain insight on the community's values and thoughts related to Chenango Today and Chenango Tomorrow, the County launched the Vision 2050 Survey. This survey was made available to all residents and stakeholders online and in hardcopy from August 9, 2023 to October 30, 2023.

In total there were 645 respondents! 

The purpose of the survey was to collect public input on key strategies and proposed actions for the Chenango County Vision 2050 Plan. The survey launched on July 15, 2024, and was live through August 26, 2024, with a total of 173 respondents! 

Vision Survey Complete!


Wednesday, August 9th @ 6 PM   |   Virtual


A virtual workshop was held to kick-off the Chenango County 2050 Vision Plan. Attendees learned about the project purpose, scope and timeline.

missed it?

Below are links to the recording and presentation slides. 

survey launched!

A visioning survey was launched to get insight on your values and thoughts related to the future of Chenango County!

get engaged!

Help plan the future of Chenango County! This planning process relies on feedback and participation from a wide range of community members.  Check out the events below for public engagement opportunities, as well as past events and presentations. 


Want to learn more about the methods and techniques that will be used to engage the community throughout the course of the project? Click the button below to check out the Public Participation Plan!


ambassador toolkit

Want to learn how to become a project ambassador? Help spread the word with the Chenango County Vision 2050 Ambassador Toolkit! Use the provided materials and other tools to share information about the project. 

Ambassador Toolkit
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